Union Savings Bank Community

We are invested in making our community a better place – and we like to help in any way we can.
In the last six years, Union Savings Bank and the USB Foundation have contributed nearly 6 million dollars to community support organizations, while our employees have volunteered over 100,000 hours of their time to local causes.
Employee volunteering is particularly rewarding to us. So if you see us helping clean up a park, handing out water at a road race event, reading a book to a classroom of children or lending a hand in some other way – know that it’s simply who we are.

Community Mission
The Community Relations Department is committed to making meaningful and
positive contributions to individuals, families, businesses and the communities within our marketplace. Through our employee volunteer efforts, the generosity of our USB Foundation and our partnerships with local community organizations, the Bank is dedicated to giving back. We will continue to promote the visibility of the Bank, its employees and communities we serve.
Charitable Request
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, non-profit organizations that provide health and wellness services and emergency food for the communities that we serve will be given first priority for donations. Though limited in funds, all other charitable requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please click the Apply Now button to complete a charitable request.
The Union Savings Bank Foundation was created to formalize our commitment to making regular grants throughout the community.
Now, regardless of fluctuations in the local economy or in the earnings of Union Savings Bank, The USB Foundation can still provide steady contributions to local charitable organizations and non-profits. This is why the USB Foundation was established in 1998. The bank is committed to making annual contributions to sustain the foundation’s endowment – so that funds would always be available for bank community grants. And now the foundation has become focused on improving educational opportunities in our local area.
In 2019 alone, USB Foundation grants contributed $200,000 to help support 20 different local non-profit organizations. We make it our mission to fund organizations that are concentrating on developing educational opportunities based in the Union Savings Bank local area.
USB Foundation Grant
USB Foundation Grant Recipients for 2019
- Ability BeyondYouth Career Development
- After School Arts Program, Inc.The Metamorphosis Project at Forbes School
- Association of Religious Communities, Inc.Kids in Danbury Schools (“K.I.D.S”)
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern CTOne to One Mentoring
- Community Culinary School of Northwest CTEmployment Skills Training/Job Placement
- Danbury Grassroots AcademyDanbury Grassroots Academy Program
- Danbury Music Centre, Inc.Summer Festival Programs
- Danbury Police Activities LeagueSummer & Fun Experience Healthy Choices
- Danbury Schools and Business CollaborativeDSABC School-Based Mentoring Programs
- Hillside Food Outreach, Inc.Hands-On Nutrition Education
- Junior Achievement of Greater Fairfield CountyFinancial Literacy Night and Danbury School Partnership
- Kennedy CenterStrive and Thrive Life Skills Inclusive Teens Educational Programs
- Literacy Volunteers on the GreenProgramming Support for Adult Learners
- Newtown Youth and Family ServiceREC CLUB – for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Northwestern Connecticut YMCAEarly Learning Program
- Pratt Nature CenterEducational Outreach Program
- Ridgefield Symphony OrchestraEducation & Outreach Initiative
- Ridgefield Visiting Nurse AssociationMortality and Life Wishes
- The Ridgefield Playhouse for Movies and the Performing Arts, Inc.Arts for Everyone and Arts in Education
- Women’s Center of Greater DanburyCommunity Education, Training and Outreach
The USB Teachers’ Closet provides children with the tools they need to succeed in school.
Employees donated nearly 2500 school supplies to initially stock the USB Teachers’ Closet. Teachers from designated schools were given the opportunity to submit a list of supplies they need most for their students.
The first schools to participate in the project were located in Danbury and Torrington. Plans are underway for expansion to other schools in the area, and Union Savings Bank is now engaging customers and local businesses to make sure the closet is stocked year round.
“Education is something we are passionate about and helping teachers in our communities by providing free school supplies for them is the least we can do,” says Union Savings Bank President and CEO Cynthia C. Merkle.
To find out how you can donate supplies to the USB Teachers’ Closet contact communityrelations@unionsavings.com.