Special Promotional CD Rates
With guaranteed returns, our special CD offers are the smart way to grow your money fast.
4.18% APY* for 5 month CD**
USB CD Account Benefits

Enjoy predictable growth with a CD as returns are not affected by market fluctuations.

Earn guaranteed interest on your CD – your money grows at a fixed rate throughout the term.

FDIC insured up to $250,000
- Higher yields than savings accounts
- No monthly service charge
- $1,000 minimum opening balance
- Flexible terms, ranging from 3 months to 5 years
- Individual Retirement Account (IRA) CDs are also available. Contact one of our branches for details. Find a branch.
- Additional options for deposits over $250,000, and up to $50 million in FDIC coverage, are available through the CDARS® service. Contact one of our branches for details. Find a branch.
Grow your savings worry-free
Achieve your goals faster with a USB CD
- Reliable growth low-risk savings solution
- Build a nest egg
- Secure a graduation gift for your loved one with a CD
- Save for a specific goal with a short-term or long-term CD
Personal Certificate of Deposit (CD) FAQs
How does a Certificate of Deposit (CD) work?
CDs are a low-risk way to save while providing you with a higher rate than a savings account. You pick the term or length of time to keep a lump-sum deposited in the CD, and in return, you are guaranteed a fixed rate. Typically, the longer the term, the higher the interest rate. You’ll earn interest on your deposit until it matures at the end of the term, at which point you can collect the full amount.
Does USB offer any special promotional rate CDs?
Yes. Contact any local USB branch to learn about special rates that are available for a limited time only.
Does USB offer Individual Retirement Account (IRA) CDs?
Yes. USB offers IRA CDs with the same variety of terms as regular CDs—from 3 months to 5 years. IRA CD accounts are subject to IRS regulatory qualifications and restrictions. To learn more or to open an IRA CD, contact your local USB branch.
How do I know if a CD is right for me?
CDs work best for savers who are able to put away money that they don’t need to touch for a while. However, Union Savings Bank offers a variety of terms that could accommodate a wide range of savings goals, whether short- or long-term. You will also need to be able to meet the minimum deposit requirement of $1,000.
CD rates are subject to change at any time and are not guaranteed until the CD is opened, which is the date of deposit to fund the CD. Interest will begin to accrue on the date of deposit.
Maximum CD deposit is $750,000 for CDs opened in-branch and $100,000 for CDs opened online.
*Assumes interest remains on deposit in your account to maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. Early withdrawals are subject to a penalty fee, please refer to the Consumer Deposit Account Agreement for fee details.
** 5 Month Promotional CD renewal term is 6 months; 8 Month Promotional CD renewal term is 9 months; 13 Month Promotional CD renewal term is 12 months; 25 Month Promotional CD renewal term is 24 months; 54 Month Promotional CD renewal term is 48 months. Upon maturity the 7 Month Flex CD will automatically renew into a 7 Month Flex CD at the current rate of interest.
*** This CD account allows for unlimited withdrawals during the term, with no penalty fee incurred after 7 days of opening and funding the account. There is a substantial penalty for an early withdrawal from this CD account which would occur within the first 7 days after opening the account. Any withdrawals will affect the original principal balance. For accounts that renew into a Flex CD, there is no penalty fee for any withdrawals; additional deposits are not allowed.
Deposit placement through CDARS or ICS is subject to the terms, conditions, and disclosures in applicable agreements. Although deposits are placed in increments that do not exceed the FDIC standard maximum deposit insurance amount (“SMDIA”) at any one destination bank, a depositor’s balances at the institution that places deposits may exceed the SMDIA (e.g., before settlement for deposits or after settlement for withdrawals) or be uninsured (if the placing institution is not an insured bank). The depositor must make any necessary arrangements to protect such balances consistent with applicable law and must determine whether placement through CDARS or ICS satisfies any restrictions on its deposits. A list identifying IntraFi network banks appears at https://www.intrafi.com/network-banks. The depositor may exclude banks from eligibility to receive its funds. IntraFi and ICS are registered service marks of IntraFi Network LLC.