What Documents are Needed to Apply for a Mortgage?
If you’re applying for a mortgage, you may be wondering what documents you need in order to submit your application succ…
What First Time Home Buyer Programs are Available?
Getting ready to buy your first home? Did you know there are several programs available to first time home buyers in Con…
How Much Do You Need for Down Payment on a House?
How much do you need for a down payment when buying a home? Patty Dyer, V.P…
What Are the First Steps to Buying a Home?
What are the first steps to buying a home? Patty Dyer, V.P. of Residential …
Mortgages 101
One of the first steps to buying a home is understanding how much you can afford for a down payment, then monthly toward…
First Time Home Buyer Guide
Buying your first home is an exciting milestone. You might be wondering what initial steps you need to take before begin…